Uniting producers
and suppliers with
global customers
UGC staff are dedicated to building trusted relationships with producers and suppliers in the communities we serve. We help producers to adapt to changing circumstances and provide innovative solutions, including market guidance, up-to-date market information with the UGC Profit Partner® program, competitive pricing, quick execution, friendly employees, and reliable service delivered with integrity and respect.

We don’t just buy
bushels. We’re here to
serve producers so
that they succeed."
George Killham
Moccasin, MT Manager and Grain Buyer
George grew up in Moccasin. Since joining the facility over 19 years ago, he has worked his way up to manager of the country terminal. George is also a volunteer firefighter.
What Producers Say

I'm glad you're here; I don't know what I would do if you weren't.

From harvest to marketing, we count on United Grain for support and advice.

In this day and age, it's really saying something when the person buying your wheat shows up in person to deliver your check.